Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
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PIH stock acquired by MEI US

Cheap, Small Cap, High Growth Stocks Experiment

Due to my young age (24) and hence limited time in industry to acquire venture capital, I am reliant on 3 main high-risk sources of…

Inability to Adapt to Change

“The historic belief that going to post-secondary for a degree is a guaranteed superior path to prosperity in today’s economy, is akin to the one…

Young People “Doing Well”- a Hated Crowd

Supposingly I’ve been a young guy doing well, so I’m part of one of the most hated crowds. Supposingly I spent my years on self-development…

Theory of a Ferrari by 30 from Alberta’s Oilfield

Currently I am 23 years old making $8,989/month on average. When $100/barrel oil was still not a pipe dream, some months I madeĀ $12,300. A Class…