Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Currently Viewing Tag: real estate
Dodge RAM 2500 Conklin AB

Considering a Move Away from Alberta

I think often about moving out of Alberta, and home to BC. Most of my background has been in O&G, primarily blue-collar working in remote…

edmonton condos looking up

Horrors of Condo Ownership in Alberta

We were charged over $1,700 because of a small toilet leak that caused some common areas to need drying out. Three contractors were called out,…

Signing employment contracts with non-competition, non-solicitation clause

Non-Solicitation, Non-Competition Clauses: Rarely Enforceable

Looking to protect their interests or restrict worker freedom, employers impose these, usually in the form of non-competition and non-solicitation clauses. Non-Competition Clause To prevent…

Rental condos, brick exterior style in Vancouver and Alberta

Tale of Risk Taking: Career Paths and Real Estate

Three Students Choosing Different Careers and Investments Buddy A: Bought a Vancouver condo for $400,000 even in 2014, with 10% down. Rented it out and…

Alberta Business Owners Hate Banks

Paying Tax to Borrow Money

Reporting High Income just to get Credit: Canada’s Flawed Banking System A mortgage broker, one who seemingly worked for one of the Big 5, and…

Breakup Relationships Profit for Banks

The Profit in Irrational Love

A good childhood friend of mine didn’t move in together with his Miss until almost 5 years later. They wanted to ensure their relationship and…

Mercedes-Maybach Interior

Investment Portfolio, Family, and Dreams

What is my dream? To build the ultimate business and investment portfolio (i.e. produce, own, and be part of successful businesses). The thought of my…

Rental Property ROI Calculation

Quick Real Estate Investment Return Analysis Sample

I’m thinking of renting out my current condo (1150 sq ft, 2+1bed 2 bath, too big for my 1 person house hold) and buying a…

Investing Brief and Guide for New

Investing Brief

There is no “true” financial advisor; most are salespeople or an information source, as people truly “good” with money don’t need to work for someone…

PIH stock acquired by MEI US

Cheap, Small Cap, High Growth Stocks Experiment

Due to my young age (24) and hence limited time in industry to acquire venture capital, I am reliant on 3 main high-risk sources of…