Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Currently Viewing Category: Finance
Industrial real estate warehouse vacant

The Truth Behind High Commercial Vacancy Rates

Commercial landlords have kept their rates sky high despite the downturn. Many bluntly say they’ll gladly let their spaces sit empty for months to years…

Home office tax deduction

Home Office Tax Deduction

Own a business, or intend to do so? Write off part of the costs of your home. Eligibility for claiming Home Office Expenses The expenses…

Home Office Tax Writeoffs

Working from Home? Write it Off.

Working from home because of COVID-19? Using part of your home for odd jobs or something related to working? Save on your tax bill by…

Businessman with empty wallet considering bankruptcy, consumer proposal, or debt settlement.

Eliminating Debt: Settlement, Consumer Proposal, Bankruptcy

Consolidation loans rarely work in practice. Due to bad credit and elevated debt level relative to income, most lenders are redundant to take the risk…

Calgary Real Estate News

Inaccuracy of Real Estate News & Statistics

The media, masses, and wanna-be investors are in market fear as the City of Calgary releases its property assessment data: Average Calgary home plunged $20,000…

Starting a Business in Alberta

Thinking of Starting a Business?

An engineer asked about starting his own business and asked how to go about it. ” That’s a very broad question. Each industry is different,…

Dealing with Commercial Lenders & Banks in Alberta's Oilfield

A Message to Commercial Lenders

Trying to Get Commercial Funding in Alberta’s Oil Patch “We know you tried and that’s all matters. We understand that you’re just doing your job,…

Alberta Business Owners Hate Banks

Paying Tax to Borrow Money

Reporting High Income just to get Credit: Canada’s Flawed Banking System A mortgage broker, one who seemingly worked for one of the Big 5, and…

Analyzing the Market

Buyouts and Decreasing Returns Towards Equilibrium

The struggle to find consistent high yield stocks, in businesses generating consistent, high yield returns (1) Most investors (or wanna-be ones) aim for a 7-10%…

Breakup Relationships Profit for Banks

The Profit in Irrational Love

A good childhood friend of mine didn’t move in together with his Miss until almost 5 years later. They wanted to ensure their relationship and…