Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Currently Viewing Tag: pipeline
Working together in Alberta office space

Good and Bad in a Person

You don’t hate them, you just hate the things they do. There is always something you can’t stand in somebody. Some people have more things…

Layoff and job loss in Alberta oilpatch

Bloody February

The public pictures I as a young, fit guy driving nice BMWs and dressing beautifully. It thinks I must pick up many beautiful women and…

Tears From Vancouver to Alberta

It has been almost 4.5 years since I threw all my stuff in my car and drove away from Vancouver to Alberta, not looking back.…

June Standing- 4 Years in Alberta

Here I sit in a bar off Jasper Ave. in downtown Edmonton having a drink and little meal. I am spending this sunny Sunday afternoon…

Theory of Self-Employment

There is a lengthy list of potential business ideas. Some people are better than others at certain ones. You want to do something you’re good at. In…

Being a Victim and Slave of Time

This June marks the first month after 4 years in Alberta, upon leaving Vancouver as I threw all my belongings into my car. I’ve made many goals ever…

It’s Expensive to be Poor

One trucker I worked with briefly one day brought up this interesting quote: It’s expensive to be poor. The financially starved often rely on payday…

Beginning of the End of Employment

No one wants to pay me what I like- especially with the shifting labour market and the oilfield downturn, shifting it into an employer’s market…

Brief Cliff Notes on UBC student -> Oilfield Career Timeline

Left UBC when I was 19 after finishing 3/4 years of my Math and Economics degree (with Computer Science and Commerce Minors). Current standing, at…

Life Goals as an Uplift from the Normal Man

If I did not think everyday about my goals, such as getting a Ferrari by 30, or a Porsche, 2 properties, and an education by…