Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Currently Viewing Category: Experience Working in Alberta's Oilfield
edmonton condos looking up

Horrors of Condo Ownership in Alberta

We were charged over $1,700 because of a small toilet leak that caused some common areas to need drying out. Three contractors were called out,…

Industrial real estate warehouse vacant

The Truth Behind High Commercial Vacancy Rates

Commercial landlords have kept their rates sky high despite the downturn. Many bluntly say they’ll gladly let their spaces sit empty for months to years…

Construction and oilfield work in Alberta

New Economy of Low Oil Prices: Dreams Crushed

Coming to Alberta’s Oilfield in just a car and packed bags in 2013, hoping to be in a Ferrari by 30. Then comes the collapse…

Signing employment contracts with non-competition, non-solicitation clause

Non-Solicitation, Non-Competition Clauses: Rarely Enforceable

Looking to protect their interests or restrict worker freedom, employers impose these, usually in the form of non-competition and non-solicitation clauses. Non-Competition Clause To prevent…

Rental condos, brick exterior style in Vancouver and Alberta

Tale of Risk Taking: Career Paths and Real Estate

Three Students Choosing Different Careers and Investments Buddy A: Bought a Vancouver condo for $400,000 even in 2014, with 10% down. Rented it out and…

Consulting in oil and gas Alberta

Changing Careers – Oilfield, Financial Reporting & Consulting

I had someone introduce the topic of changing careers out of accounting and financial reporting. I found this interesting as it contrasts my experience. I’m…

Dodge RAM 2500 Conklin AB

Struggle to Change Careers from Oil and Gas

I am coming to the realization that I may be in the oilfield until the day I die. Mostly everything else don’t pay anything worth…

Porsche 911 Turbo and Ferrari

Always Ask for More

Before I became self-represented, my lawyer at the time’s advice still sticks: Always ask for more [in life]. Rarely you will get what you ask…

IT Consulting oilfield industrial services Alberta

From $124,000 Yearly Income at Age 25, To No Net Income

In 2018 I was 25 years old and brought home around $124,000. I worked both as an employee and a contractor in Alberta and BC:…

Employer from Hell Alberta

Employer from Hell: Unpaid Workers, CRA Audit, Lawsuits

My life took a dark turn when I was involved with doing business with the Employer from Hell. I was owed a large sum of…