Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Journey to Alberta's Oilfield
Currently Viewing Tag: penny stocks
PIH stock acquired by MEI US

Cheap, Small Cap, High Growth Stocks Experiment

Due to my young age (24) and hence limited time in industry to acquire venture capital, I am reliant on 3 main high-risk sources of…

“Maybe at the End of your Career”

Once I was taking a walk with a woman (one who went to university for a traditional white-collar career) and I casually showed her an…

June Standing- 4 Years in Alberta

Here I sit in a bar off Jasper Ave. in downtown Edmonton having a drink and little meal. I am spending this sunny Sunday afternoon…

Being a Victim and Slave of Time

This June marks the first month after 4 years in Alberta, upon leaving Vancouver as I threw all my belongings into my car. I’ve made many goals ever…

21 Day Reflection on a New Car and Property Goal

On May 9, 2016 (21 days ago), I wrote the following here: Maintaining the same $1,500/month savings rate, if the latest I want my second…